Today our destination is a beautiful old Moravian city - Brno. Have you ever been where? I am lucky, in 1999 I have visited this lovely place. Now it's your turn!
The Moravian Museum, second biggest and oldest museum in Czech republic, was founded in July 1817 by a decree of Emperor Francis I. The museum's collections include over 6 millions of objects, representing valuable scientific material from the fields of literature, music and theatre, geology, mineralogy, botany, zoology and entomology. Beside of its scientific and documentation work the museum organises temporary exhibitions, lectures etc. The Children's Museum, special education and leisure facility, is dedicated to the youngest generation of museum visitors. The Moravian Museum is contributional organization of Ministry of culture of Czech republic.

The early baroque Dietrichstein Palace was originally erected as a representative residence for František, Cardinal Dietrchistein, the bishop of Olomouc between 1614 and 1619. The building was designed by an Italian architect Giovanni Giacomo Tencallo, later reconstructed by another Italian Domenico Martinelli (1700). The palace is recognised as one of the most typical examples of baroque style in Brno. After the recent reconstruction in 1980s the palace became the most attended exhibition facility of Moravian Museum. It offers you an exciting tour through the centuries.
There are five great permanent exhibitions awaiting to take you back hundreds years ago to the very beginning of the Moravia’s history. Just push the door and keep Your eyes open. The breathtaking adventure begins.
The Extinct Life in Moravia - come and see the story of ancient Moravia with its animals, trees and flowers which were the only living creatures here, on the little piece of the Earth which will be, many years to come, called Moravia. Come and let your imagination fly back to those times and admire the polymorphous life represented by fossils, models, reconstructions and dioramas. The experts are ready to provide you with all the informations you need.
The Prehistory of Moravia - can you even imagine that the first human beings left their footprints in the Moravian soil 800 000 years ago? How did they make their living? What did they dress on? What was their everyday life looking like? What were they thinking about? What did they trust? What were their gods? Does this all interest You? Do you really want to know the story? The exhibition will help you to answer questions as who am I, where I am coming from etc. In a chronological line the artefacts present particular evolution periods and cultures, and some unique foundings are exhibited - copper talents from Blučina, golden objects from various places, bronze pot mounting from Brno-Malomerice.

Great Moravia - this exhibition introduces you to the plentiful treasures documenting the remarkable phenomenon of Great Moravia, the very first Slavonic state. Coming here you will be astonished by the incredible beauty of Moravian jewellery, pottery, technological skills and handicraft of Moravian craftsmen. The central point of the exhibition - a treasury with the famous and most beautiful jewels from Stare Mesto near Uherske Hradiste, Mikulcice and Breclav - Pohansko. A great part of your attention will be attracted by models of fortified settlement (castles) near Mikulcice, reconstruction of a jewellery workshop from Stare Mesto and original wooden well boarding from the same place. Enjoy The Great Moravia journey and tell everybody you meet - It’s worth seeing it!
Moravian Village in Middle Ages - this exhibition shows in a chronological line the main social changes brought by feudalism after Great Moravia ceased. You will be able to see the way Moravian people lived between X and XV century. Would you agree to live in a landlord’s manor or peasant’s house? This exhibition will tell you how hard it was to survive.
The World of Minerals - if you prefer the natural history you will definitely choose the mineral exhibition which makes it easier to understand the history of our mother Earth - physical and chemical qualities of minerals, the structure of the Earth and its place in the solar system. Main part of the exhibition is dedicated to the origin of the rocks and minerals - here you can admire the wonderful world of not-living nature of Moravia and Silesia.
Professor Karel Absolon Memorial The memorial shows the life and work of Karel Absolon (1877-1960), a famous archaeologist, geographer and spelaeologist, who worked for many years in the Moravian Museum and taught at the Charles University in Prague. The main part of the memorial is a partial reconstruction of his workroom.
Come and spend whole day here, alone or with your kids - enjoy!